lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011


Last week I decided to go to the cinema alone. I really like doing that because nobody disturbs you while you are watching the film. I wasn’t sure what film to see, but finally I made my mind up and went to watch “the kids are all right”.

This film is about a family, a couple and their two children. This family is not the one which appears in all the movies, there’s a lesbian couple who got the two children –a girl, Joni, and a boy, Laser- by artificial insemination. Apparently this is a perfect family, but while the film is going on we can see that they have some problems.

The film starts when the family is having dinner to celebrate Joni’s 18th birthday. Because she’s 18 she can contact her father and Laser asks her to do that for him because he’s still a minor. Finally, they get in touch with him without telling anything to their mums.

This movie is directed by Lisa Cholodenko, and it has been nominated for four Oscars including best actress and best film. From my point of view this film is really funny, with a great story and also a great cast. But not enough to be nominated for the Oscars.

sábado, 22 de enero de 2011

In my opinion there are a lot of beautiful places to visit in the United States of America, and I find it really difficult to choose just one.That’s why I’ve decided to talk about some of them.

On the one hand I would like to visit big cities like New York or San Francisco. I think that if you go to the USA it’s obligatory to see the typical skyscrapers. In New York City there are different things to see and do, but there are a few attractions like no other. Any visit to New York City is not complete without visiting the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty and the Ellis Island Immigration Museum. San Francisco is endless in terms of places to see and things to do. Two of the best-known tourist destinations in San Francisco are Chinatown and Fisherman's Wharf. The three most recognizable San Francisco city icons are the Golden Gate Bridge, the pyramid shaped Transamerica Tower and the cable cars.

On the other hand, I really like going to small towns because I think that they have something different. What I mean is that all the towns and the people who lives there are different from each other. These towns don’t have the big skyscrapers or wonderful museums, but they have beautiful sights and really nice people.

To finish, I love travelling and although I’ve never been in the US I think that it’s a good place to go travelling. I’m sure that I’ll go there more than once.

domingo, 12 de diciembre de 2010


Immigration is the introduction of new people into another country. Nowadays it’s a really common thing, and there are more and more immigrants in our country. But is immigration good or bad?

On the one hand I think that immigration is good because it gives cultural diversity to our country. Moreover although some people think that they bring unemployment, I don’t. What’s more, I think that it’s really useful for native people because, usually, immigrants work on things that we don’t want to. Futhermore, I also think that immigration helps us to be less racists.

On the other hand, immigration can also be bad. It can be bad because of overpopulation, this happens when immigrates go to a small place that is overcrowded. What’s more, if they don’t have enough money to make ends meet, they steal things; and that brigs violence. Furtehermore, some cities need more people because their citizens have gone away.

To sum up, I have to say that in my opinion we should help more to the immigrants; I think that it has to be really difficult going to another country without knowing what is going to happen to you. Some immigrants die when they’re going to another country thinking that they will have a better life, and when the others arrive they realize that it will be really hard.

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

My description

I’m 17 years old and I live in Zarautz, a beautiful town which has a wonderful beach. I live in a flat which is in the town centre and next to the beach. I live with my parents, my sister and my dog.

I’m a peaceful and calm girl and normally I don’t get angry. But I do get stressed quite easily, especially with school things. When that happens, I go for a walk with my dog and I get calm again.

One of my favourite things is hanging out with my friends without doing nothing because we always have fun. I’m not a very talkative person but I like listening the others and I love laughing with them.

I really like reading and going to the cinema. I like all kind of books, but although I like when a book has a love story in it, I don’t when it’s just about love. Some of my favourite books are Harry Potter, The outsiders, El sanador de caballos and La calle de los sueños.But if we talk about films I cannot choose anyone. It depends on the day I have that I’ll like the film more or less.

I would like to understand all the cultures but although I try I think that it’s very difficult to accept all of them.

miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

Are you looking forward to vote?

In less than a year time, the next local elections will take place.By then, I am going to be eighteen years old, so I will be able to vote if I want to. But, will I be ready to vote?

To tell the truth I have no idea. On the one hand, I have to say that in my opinion voting is a very important thing and that not everyone can do it. I think this because we live in a democracy and every person who is adult can vote. What is more, I think that because this right states that we can choose the government and not every country can do that.

On the other hand, I have to say that I don’t know a lot about politics. I think that I just know the easiest things, such as which parties are left and which ones are right. Although I try to catch up with politics watching the news or reading the newspaper, I don’t understand a lot about them.

To sum up, I think that I am not ready to vote. In my opinion I have to learn more things about politics before voting.

miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010

I know that for a lot of people this choice will be very difficult to make but not for me. The best present I ever received is my dog, BELTXI.

It was Christmas, 2006, just a day before Olentzero. I was having dinner with my family: my parents, my sister and me. Suddenly my parents told us that they had to speak with us. I didn’t know what was happening, and, of course, I didn’t expect what was going to happen. They told us that they had made a decision: next day we were going to the doghouse to take a dog!!! It was the best new I ever received.

That day I was thirteen yeas old and it was the best day of my life. But I had to struggle a lot before that day. When I realized that I couldn’t have a donkey at home I started asking for a dog. Every birthay my family ask me what I want as a present, and I used to give the same answer: a dog. Every Christmas I used to write to the magic kings and I used to ask them for a dog. That was my dream and finally I got it.

Beltxi was my first dream, that’s why I never gave in and that’s why I love her so much.

martes, 27 de abril de 2010


I don’t know lots of things about the European Union because I’m not really interested on it. I’ve been searching in the internet and I have found this definition for the European union: The European Union (EU) is an economic and political union of 27 member countries, located primarily in Europe. Committed to regional integration, the EU was established by the Treaty of Maastricht on 1 November 1993 upon the foundations of the European Communities.

However, I think that for me and for all the young people the most interesting thing about the European Union is the Erasmus. This is a student exchange program. It consists on going to another country to study, but almost all the people goes there to have fun and to go to parties.

There are a lot of places to go to. But almost everybody wants to go somewhere where they can meet a lot of people, go partying and visit beautiful places.

To finish, I want to say that everybody wants to go out with this program. And also, if you go to a country where they speak a language that you are studying it will help you a lot because you’ll practice a lot.