lunes, 15 de marzo de 2010


From my point of view, I think that death is a really bad topic to talk about just because I think that is a very difficult thing to explain. Everybody knows that dying means not living but nobody knows what is coming after the end. There are some people that think that after dying we born again like an animal or a person. Other people think that we go to the heaven or to the heal.

But in my opinion the most important thing is that when a person dies, he or she dissapears and we cannot see that person again. I think that that’s the real reason why people don’t like speaking about death because when our relatives die is really difficult to forget about them.

To finish, I think that dying is a natural thing and that everybody is going to pass away one day in their lifes. Some people will die earlier than others but it doesn’t mean that the others won’t die.

martes, 2 de marzo de 2010


As the title says, this film is about a boy called Edgar and a map that he has found. It has two parts.

I have started making this film in English class with Maria Lazkano, we have made the first part together. In the first part, Edgar finds a map and with the help of Eva he goes to find the treasure. This part is a bit mysterious because it finishes without knowing what is going to happen.

In the second part, we find out the mystery of the story. In this part, they go running from the park to the forest and then to the jungle. And in the middle of the jungle, they found a cave and go into it quietly. In the cave they start looking for the treasure and they found a lot of money. They start dancing and jumping because they are so happy.